Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Goggle Analytics

So, I signed up for google analytics. It is great. I tells me how many hits I have in my shop each day, where in the world they come into my shop and also what web sites they come through. I like this. Well, there was one disconcerting website that I got a referral from yesterday. There is a site called http://etsycallout.wordpress.com/ The person that writes on this blog tells of different etsy sellers and the stores they have flagged on etsy, stores that are just cons and not sending anything they sell and not refunding money, and things like this. I can't find what people clicked to come to my site, but nothing on this blog is something good. Should I be taking this as a sign that something is wrong with my shop, that I have tagged my items wrong. If so, I would hope that someone would just tell me. It makes me slightly uptight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Amalie,
The GA for your Etsy shop shows what site people clicked from to get to *Etsy* not to get directly to your shop... Someone probably just clicked through from that blog then did some Etsy surfing afterwards, no need to worry!