Friday, April 24, 2009

Ugh...the computer

So, my computer hasn't been working and then life got really stressful, and while I have been keeping up with my shop (mostly because I have been having some sales!!!!! Yippy!) I have done nothing else. I can't post pics because my SC card reader isn't working, however, I was going to make a cute little spring jumper with the last fabric. However, that didn't happen. I end up cutting the fabric in 5" squares and piecing them together for another blanket. How not original. I am not happy about it, but I couldn't find my jumper pattern and wasn't going to go buy a new one. Well, I have lots to tell about my shop and the new material that I acquired, but I can't right now. Sorry. I will post again soon.


Unknown said...

sorry for your stress...I hate when computers dont act right, it turns life upside down. How did we ever live without them...LOL!

Amy @ Chicy-Creations said...

Computer problems are the pits! I bet that material would have made a cute jumper, but I am sure the blanket is still adorable! What fun fabrics to work with.

Anna White said...

Amalie, glad I came across your blog! I didn't know you were little miss crafty also--so cute! I like, I like!

P.S. Hope you don't mind if I leave an extra little comment here too... I get lots of points for extra blog comments... I am trying to win this awesome scrapbook desk at The EZ desk Giveaway vote for it if you have a minute!! :)