Monday, March 23, 2009


So, I decided that I would post something that doesn't have links. That is weird to me. Why would you just write. But, that is what I do on why not here. Well, I am going through all of my fabric and making the things that I have been wanting to for a while. I decided that I needed to enjoy life and do the things that I really want to do. I am finishing a bunch of baby blankets that I bought the material for in November. I know, I know... it just takes a while. I really want to have fun and try and sell some of my things at a craft show. That would be something fun to work towards and give some of my sewing a purpose. So, I am going to enter a couple and see what happens. I will update you all on my success if I make it.

Well, I finished two more blankets tonight. I am really really excited. They are soooooo cute. (Well, at least I think so.) I will be putting up pictures here, in my etsy shop and on flickr tomorrow. Hope that you enjoy!

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