Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Black Hole

I have always wondered how people can surf the web. I still am not that great at surfing, however, I have started following people on a few sites that do surf and there is some amazing stuff out there. Well, I consider the etsy forums and twitter the black hole. Once you go in you must literally pull yourself out, or have a husband that can do it for you. Talking and looking and talking some more. That is what you do on these sites. It is great to be talking with people that like the same things that you do.

Well, on top of that.... I did take a break today and I used my lightbox. I am learning how to photograph, so we will see what happens, but these are the new products in my shop. I am really into using my fabric right now and most of it is not for things around my house. I don't know why, but I am throughly excited about it. I think my husband thinks I have gone mad.

Well, here you are. The most beautiful teal and purple flowers.And this light blue butterfly fabric with paisly background.
What do you all think?


coryshay said...

I really love your butterfly fabric!

Unknown said...

Hi...Amalie..I am now following your blog. I wanted to say I know what you mean about Etsy forums...last night was my first night on there and I ended up being on there for several hours..and I had to make myself get off when I did. Whats with that?? or Me? LOL!

Jenni said...

I had no idea you had an etsy shop. I have been wanting one too but I think I'll wait until I get into a house. Every time I turn my kitchen table into craft central my house seems so messy and I feel like I need to leave it there until I finish the project...which could take days and days with my kids pulling on my leg.

Cute stuff.

Oh and thanks for the piano info. I was given a really great uypright grand but it needs some work. New keys and some kind of paint job. I just may go green...we'll see. I trust your advice. Thanks!