Monday, April 13, 2009

Guess how I am going to use this material

So, I have been packing up my sewing room and putting fabric in boxes because my husband and I are getting ready to move. No worries, this hasn't deterred me from sewing. I just keep pulling fabric out of the boxes. That is what happens when you have no idea when and where you are going, but you have to move. So, I found this pack of fabric in the bottom of a drawer. It is one of those bundles that you just can't pass up but you have noooooo idea what you are going to use it for when you buy it. I think that I bought it last June. oops...and forgot about it. Then, it came to me. My project is going to be finished hopefully tomorrow since I don't have to teach much piano this week. (yay, for school spring break and vacations!!!!! I like having a break from teaching.) So, what are your guesses?


MandM Embley said...

Love the fabrics. I would guess a blanket, but that would be too obvious. Where are you moving?

Jackie's Stitches said...

I love the fabrics on this post! Can't wait to see what you make with it!

Are you finding that you're falling in love with your stash again? I would imagine that you'd feel inspired! Good luck with the move!

Jenny Bay said...

Amalie, I had no idea you had this talent/hobby. You are so talented!

catrina_ballerina said...

Wow! I did not know that you sew! I love it because I sew too, but I don't have my own business, I think that is so cool!