Monday, February 5, 2018

Fall 2017 Springville Art Museum Quilt show

Every year the Springville, Utah Art Museum has a quilt show.  I try and go every year because they are just so much fun.  For a long time in our house, we did Friday Museum days.  We are surrounded by hundreds of free, family friendly museums.  It is so fun.  I would take my kids to a variety of art shows, cultural museums, children's museums, history museums, old villages and buildings, forts, etc.  We loved it.  I couldn't keep up after my daughter Kindergarten year because I had to work a friday afternoon class the past year.  However, we do make special trips to see the things I am most interested in.  This years quilt show had a whole floor of red and white quilts on the children's exhibit floor.  They had the opportunity to create quilt blocks with shapes on paper.  It was so much fun!!  I got to walk around taking pictures and enjoyed the quilts while they had a great activity to do. 

They finished right as I finished looking at and admiring the 30 plus quilts.  It was a super fun day.

Then we headed up stairs to the 10 or so galleries that were full of quilts upstairs and the kids each picked their favorite quilt to take a picture with.

It is so inspiring seeing the artistry of these various quilters.  I hope that I can enjoy many more years of creating and being inspired by others.

Hope you enjoyed. 

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